#・゚∗ river ⸻ thread .
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troythecatfish · 11 months ago
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poucz · 10 months ago
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"The "Red Thread of Fate" is an East Asian myth that says an invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This thread can stretch or tangle but never break, symbolizing the inevitable connection".
*Strongly referenced by the photography of Luigi Boatto.
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linsaangs · 5 months ago
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stil-lindigo · 1 year ago
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quick reminder that besides calling for a ceasefire from your political representatives, you can also tangibly help Palestinians get back online by buying them e-sims!!!
Here’s a full step process on how:
Go to Nomad (http://getnomad.app), click on the menu in the top right-hand side, and click on Shop Plans then Data.
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2. After clicking on Data, scroll aaallll the way down. The Middle East plan is at the very bottom of the list of data plans.
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3. After choosing the Middle East plan, choose how much you want to pay, then enter your card details etc and acknowledge everything.
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You can get a $3 discount on this, by using the code "BACKPACKNOMAD" on Nomad.
4.Ignore the next part. You don't want to install anything. You're waiting for an email with a QR code for activation.
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5) Screenshot the QR code and send it to someone in Gaza! How do you do that? You can now email your e-sim QR code screenshots to [email protected] who will then distribute them to Palestinians.
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Stay safe, stay vigilant and continue to believe in the possibility of Palestinian freedom!
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expectiations · 10 months ago
I still find it funny that people call eleven a "deadbeat husband" and their marriage "toxic" but twelve is the "perfect husband" and their marriage "wedded bliss" all because of the few moments we'd seen between 11 and River were them being "toxic". yes of course! let's ignore how the minisodes show how that description isn't true and even how little moments in the episodes themselves – "what? that's it?" (why haven't you kissed me goodbye? are you being sly on purpose so I'd kiss you first?) and "they wouldn't bury my wife out here" and the music room is the heart of the home and it's not a ghost story, it's a love story – show 11 cared and put in the work and yes, they're going to have disagreements like the ones in TATM because duh who doesn't but it does not mean it is the entirety of their relationship but people have taken it and made it the entirety of their relationship.
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spookstreet · 1 month ago
“They could have Commandments,” River told her. “It wouldn’t tear him from his garden. Is it his money you’re after?”
“No, darling. I just want him to be unhappy.”
“River, I’ve told you. Mummy has to go away. It’s important. You want Mummy to be happy, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer. He didn’t want Mummy to be happy. He wanted Mummy to be there. That was important.
Slow Horses, Mick Herron.
These Cartwrights. River in this chapter noticeably refutes his grandfather’s belief that he takes after Isobel. (And David doesn’t really consider their shared traits to be a bad thing - he’s somewhat bemused, all things considered).
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breedabletrait · 2 months ago
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I swear every time poor Dylan's phone rings in the middle of the night another parent passed away. And this time it was our ILLUSTRIOUS FOUNDER,
The funeral was very classy, with many family and friends in attendance.
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theriu · 9 months ago
I am learning to crochet and I have MADE A PRETTY SQUARE
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And the edges are somewhat less wobbley than my wonky first attempt! YAY PROGRESS! 🎉
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astormofsilk · 8 months ago
“I am so very proud of you for gifting me this little miracle.” - Aemond to Alys asked by @righteousmen
Alys was tired, laying on the bed panting softly. The babe was crying softly in Aemond's arms, she hadn't been able to look at them yet. The labour was hard and had lasted the better part of the day, and almost into the night. She finally finished just as the sun slipped down and the stars started to appear.
"Is...are they okay?" Her voice came out husky and rough, she couldn't help the screams that had happened with the finally push. The maids were busy relighting all of the candles and fireplace that had gone out with her scream
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year ago
Book Notes: Fantasy Roundup
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Or, some ideas for what to read when you have a book hangover from Iron Flame:
Curious Tides by Pascale Lacelle
When Emory is the sole survivor of a secret ritual in the caves below Aldryn College, her healer powers, given to those born during the new moon on a rising tide, begin to shift into something strange and uncontrollable. Will her estranged friend Baz, brother to one of the students who died, help Emory figure out her new powers and what really happened that night? This debut fantasy has it all — dark academia, an upper YA that crosses over beautifully into adult, a murder mystery, secret societies, forbidden magic, a pining romance and the most gorgeous book design I’ve seen in a while. The magic system is built around the moon phases and the tides. Curious Tides is book one of a planned duology.
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon
What happens when Talasyn and Alaric, two soldiers from opposite sides of an entrenched war meet on the battlefield and discover their opposing powers combine to create something entirely new and unexpected? They continue to absolutely hate each other while having to work together to save their people from an even worse fate. Of course. And we all know what happens when two attractive people hate each other. Drawing inspiration from Southeast Asia, debut Filipino author Thea Guanzon has penned a fun, fresh fantasy that balances an authentic depiction of the toll of conflict on a population with a strong cast of characters and all the political machinations of Machiavelli. The Hurricane Wars is book one of a planned trilogy.
Godkiller by Hannah Kane
In a world where gods, fed by the attention, prayers, and offerings of humans, can also be destroyed by them, three disparate people come together to travel to the ruined city that was the last stand in the wars between gods and people. Kissen, a godkiller for hire. Elo, a former knight turned baker. And Inara, a young girl whose life has become intertwined with a god of white lies, Skedi. The four travel together to Blenraden, hopeful that they will find a way to untangle Skedi from Inara. All the feels of quest fantasy with characters that are delightfully flawed and human. The world building was immersive and queer normative with a host of diverse characters. The religious and magic system was at once familiar but with enough twists to make it unexpected. Godkiller is book one of a planned trilogy.
The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab
From page one of The Fragile Threads of Power, I was invested all over again in the world of the four Londons, seven years after the events from The Shades of Magic trilogy (also excellent, if you want to start there). The plot works together like interchanging gears, or a chess game, the movement of each character affecting the others, often unknowingly. There are characters from the original trilogy, new additions, and Tes, the one who, unconsciously, holds the key to everything. Schwab investigates power in this novel -- who has it and who controls it, and by whose standards its morality is judged. Schwab puts a lot of things in motion in this book, and only a few are resolved by the end. The Fragile Threads of Power is book one of planned trilogy. You can always go back and read The Shades of Magic series in the meantime!
What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez
I can’t think of a more fun combination than 1880’s Egyptian archeological digs, a feisty heroine determined to find out what happened to her explorer parents, and a current of magic running through it all. When Inez Olivera hears that her parents, on a dig in Egypt, are presumed dead, she takes matters into her own hands. Inez books passage from Bolivia to Egypt, intent on discovering the truth. What she finds in Egypt is an infuriatingly handsome young man, assisting her guardian in carrying on her parents discoveries, and men thwarting her inquiries at every turn. Add to this a mysterious ring that connects Inez to the magic of the past and the questions continue to pile up. It will take a trip up the Nile and many near escapes just to get Inez closer to any answers. Packed with action, a slow burn romance, and a huge twist kept me enthralled to the very last page. What the River Knows is book one of a planned YA duology.
Hopefully you find one, or many, of these titles to be a satisfying read!
— Lori
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troythecatfish · 11 months ago
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lambsgod · 2 months ago
continued from here
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before he could respond properly, river paused to let out a drawn out groan of frustration, resisting the urge to yank on his own hair and instead clenching his teeth to release some of the tension. "this is exactly what i'm talking about! stubborn!" maybe he didn't know all that much about her personally, but he didn't think it was too far of a stretch to assume their relationship had been a net positive on both of their lives. why else would she had kept it up this long if it wasn't? he didn't even know what to say without incriminating himself further, feeling as though he'd been backed into a corner and forced to admit what he himself wasn't even ready to come to terms with, so he merely watched her dress herself with a slight frown on his face, hating how even such a simple act became so enticing when done by her. the comment he'd blurted out before he was even able to think it through came back to bite him as she responded with obvious surprise, though he couldn't tell if that was a tinge of hopefulness he detected in her tone, or if he was just deluding himself. "i mean... yeah, sure. she's great, but she's... i can't see myself falling in love with her. it's just convenient, y'know..." convenient, but not necessary. if they broke up today, he might miss her, but the thought didn't fill him with nearly as much dread as the thought of losing ingrid. "i'm just saying, if she's the problem— if she's the reason you wanna end it... i dunno. it's not, like, serious, is what i'm saying.
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knoxwallace · 2 months ago
closed starter for @riverxjackson at driftwood diner
Fresh into town, Knox hadn't made a full grocery run yet to stock up the fridge, leading him to make the grand tour of restaurants around town for the time being. Coming into the diner, he was prepared to just grab some food and bolt, but instead was met with a familiar face. Rehab didn't exactly hold a lot of good memories for Knox, mostly since it had never worked for him, but he always loved running into old friends. River was one of the guys that had made it out, something Knox had yet to do for himself. Striding over, Knox patted a hand on the other guy's back in greeting. "River, dude. It's been a fucking minute, how you hanging?"
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thursdaygrl · 3 months ago
closed starter for @persephonyed
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river had just been trying to escape the heat when she wandered back inside, maybe even trying to avoid the gaze of her ex-girlfriend who also happened to be on this trip and the second girl she'd been hooking up with since they broke up. admittedly, they were also a little irritated after having watched camille practically throw herself at everyone but river since the long weekend began. she hadn't expected that uma would follow her, that she'd practically corner her in the hallway, pretending to do small talk as she inched closer and closer. they'd wanted to tell her to fuck off, but the attention felt good. especially after feeling like camille wanted nothing to do with her after they'd almost slept together. river couldn't say that they wanted her like they used to, but they didn't shoo her off, they just crossed their arms over their chest and let her play her game, figuring she'd get bored. another thing fell into place just as uma cupped their cheek, with camille appearing behind her and river snapped out of it quickly, swatting the other girl's hand away. "hey." her ex took that as her cue to leave, muttering a quick 'awkward' under her breath as river's head tilted to the side. "that wasn't what you think."
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expectiations · 1 year ago
Is it just me or does the phrase "dumb Darillium River" make your ears ring too?
That phrase hurts me like crazy because it takes away how the post-Manhattan events affected her so deeply. And now that we have the added knowledge that she gets to see her parents in New York even after Manhattan, THORS now presents itself in a different light.
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River's resounding "the Doctor does not and has never loved me" cements the implication that she and the Doctor had a huge row after Manhattan. What would you feel if the love of your life told you he "does not and has never loved" you? Certainly not happy.
Do you know what grief does to one's mind? No matter how brilliant you are, grief changes you. Grief makes you a different person. I would know, having experienced it myself. And River, in her grief, jumped into a headspace that shut out (or tried hard to) the Doctor.
Yes, she should have recognized it was him she had unknowingly dragged along on her space Robin Hood quest, but for her, it isn't him. It wouldn't be. Because that was the last thing she had heard him say.
Grief and pain clouding her mind, she proudly asserts that no, the Doctor isn't there. He won't show up for her. He has never loved her. But of course, she loves him. She's never denied that. But he proves her wrong soon afterwards. Because she is the Woman The Doctor Loves.
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So, yes, on the surface level, "dumb Darillium River" seems to be what THORS had made River to be. But no, it wasn't. It isn't. It was about a grieving River and a chance for the Doctor to right his wrong. (And yes, we were robbed of that kiss. Homie here quite clearly wanted one.)
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originally posted over on twitter.
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visceralprayers · 10 months ago
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" okay, okay. I get it, I shouldn't have peed on a cop car and then-- repeatedly oink as said cop threw me in the car, but in my defence I was very h-- drunk. " poet gave a wide, boyish grin as the sheriff perked a brow, then shook his head, " you got someone to pick you up? " he asked, and poet dug out his phone, " I got someone.... I think. "
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